Dad’s Ford Falcon XL

img_09901By Keegan


From the 1960’s old but restored,

my dad’s car is as shiny as a diamond,

green like a mint with a vanilla top.

Leather seats as comfortable as a soft bench.

Back seats belts protest,

like a five year old kid when moved.

Dad cares for it like a son,

drives it as carefully as an operating surgeon,

but without a care in the world,

like a flying bird.

2 thoughts on “Dad’s Ford Falcon XL

  1. Keegan, you’ve done a great job writing this poem! It’s got some really great similies in it. I can just imagine your father driving the car ‘without a care in the world, like a flying bird.’ That’s just the way a ‘toy’ car should be driven. For fun.
    Do you think adding a photo of the car add something to your post for your readers?

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