The Blue Square

On the tenth day, on the tenth month, on the tenth year, there was a demon from the depths of the Halloween Underworld. It was known as the Blue Square. The Blue Square had teeth and nails of copper, eyes made out of acid, skin as hard as the Great Wall of China and was blue as the planet Neptune.

It was given the task from the King of Halloween to create a plague to spread onto the planet known as Earth by Halloween night. It created a ball of lightning which can use the smoke in volcanoes to spread the plagues. To make sure the plague works it needs to thrown into the highest volcano in the world. So it went to the Chile / Argentina border line to find the Ojos del Salado. The people screamed in terror as the Blue Square petrified everyone that came in its way. Some were burned by its blue fire and others were crushed by its weight.

Fortunately, a group of monster hunters were near the volcano with bullets made out of lead that could penetrate the Blue Square’s skin. The demon approached the hunters and it tried it’s best but the bullets were too strong. But then one of the hunters backstabbed his friends. He was actually the King of Halloween. He grabbed the ball of lighting and threw it into the volcano.

The volcano exploded in clouds of smoke and the king died. To this day those clouds of smoke still roam to this day, spreading diseases too all of mankind.

One thought on “The Blue Square

  1. Keegan, you have created some wonderful images in your story, using all the figures of speech that Ms Pullen has been teaching you about. They have just come naturally to your mind as you sat down to write! My favourite parts are the very first and very last lines. But was it only the king who died?

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