Is what you SAY what you MEAN?

Watch out! You can’t always take what people say LITERALLY. Often the words people USE and what they MEAN are very different things.

As some of you suggested,  ‘be more dog’ doesn’t mean that you literally have to eat dog food, walk on all fours and pant with your tongue out. That saying means more about taking an interest in life, getting involved with things…. like dogs do when they race around, sniff here, run there, chase on another, dig up a bone, make friends with anyone…..Dogs don’t usually just sit around, being aloof, watching life going by, or snoozing through it, like cats do, waking to wash themselves, resettle and sleep again.

Common sayings which mean something completely different to the words they use are called IDIOMS. There are hundreds of idioms! Some idioms are quite confusing, so it’s good to be aware of them so you’re not left wondering what people are talking about.

What do YOU think this means?

I won’t beat around the bush, the house was really over the top! It must have cost an arm and a leg. I went inside, but in the lounge room there wasn’t room to swing a cat so we went onto the deck away from the crowd. The garden looked good enough to eat! My friend hit the nail on the head when he said someone had green thumbs! 


Be more dog

We all enjoyed this!

But what does it mean?

‘Be more dog’….ummm…..walk on all fours? scratch yourself with your hind leg? pant with your tongue out?

No, we decided, you don’t take it literally (exactly as the words say).  There were some great comments about what ‘be more dog’ could actually mean…..